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CJQ-13836  汽车零件清洗机
CJQ-13836 汽车零件清洗机


  • 全程PLC自动控制,触摸屏集中操作
  • 高压喷洗、超声波清洗、喷淋漂洗、吹干、烘干依次进行,零件出来后即可进行装配
  • 采用定点定位进行内外表面高压喷洗,摆动式超声波清洗,步进通过输送方式
  • 配备完善高效的油水分离装置和循环过滤系统,大大延长清洗液寿命,降低清洗成本

Product Features:

  • PLC auto control through the whole process, all operations realized on the touch screen
  • High pressure spray cleaning, ultrasonic cleaning, spray rinsing, blow dry and drying carried out in sequence, parts could be assembled immediately after cleaning
  • High pressure spray cleaning for inner and outer surface of parts at fixed points and location, swing ultrasonic cleaning, parts conveyed step by step
  • Equipped with perfect and efficient oil-water separation equipment and circulating filtration system, greatly extend the life of cleaning fluid, and thus reduced cost


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