- 全程PLC自动控制,无需人工参与,实现真正自动化
- 清洗工艺:高压喷洗、超声波清洗、高压漂洗、除水、烘干依次进行
- 采用连续通道式输送方式,只需将零件放在输送带上即可,操作简单方便,生产效率高
- 配备完善高效的油水分离装置和循环过滤系统,大大延长清洗液寿命,降低清洗成本
- 采用热风循环烘干,减少热量损耗,节约能源
Product Features:
- PLC automatic control during the whole process, no need of manual work, automation in real sense
- Cleaning process: high pressure spray cleaning 、ultrasonic cleaning、high pressure rinsing 、water removal 、 drying in sequence
- Convey in the way of continuous channel, simply place the parts on the conveyor belt, with simple and convenient operation and high efficiency
- Equipped with perfect and efficient oil-water separation equipment and circulating filtration system, greatly extend the life of cleaning fluid, and thus reduced cost
- Adopt hot air for cyclic drying to reduce thermal losses and save energy