- 全不锈钢材质,外型美观大方,结构紧凑合理。
- 配备循环过滤系统,大大延长清洗液寿命,降低清洗成本
- 零件在清洗时不停地上下抛动,具备很好的清洗效果。
- 加热及自动恒温控制系统和液位保证系统
- 以水剂加热适量清洗剂作为清洗溶液,成本低,工艺成熟。
- All stainless steel material, beautiful appearance, compact and reasonable structure
- Ultrasonic cleaning rinsing and water removal
- Equipped with circulating filtration system, so as to greatly extend the life of cleaning fluid and thus reduced cleaning cost
- Parts thrown up and down all the time during the cleaning process, with favorable cleaning effect
- Equipped with electrical heating and automatic constant temperature control system and liquid monitoring system, PLC automatic control during the whole process
- With water aqua as the medium of cleaning, boasting low cost, with mature technology